
Help Make a Difference

Donate to the Los Angeles Mission and help women get back on their feet.

For my birthday this year, I'm asking for donations to Los Angeles Mission AND asking you to send me all of those travel-sized toiletries that are collecting dust on your shelves.  I am joining my fellow aquarian and yogi friend, Maeve Reston  and we are making toiletry kits for the women living on Skid Row that we will hand out at an upcoming "Ladies Night" -- where they will learn about self-defense, their legal rights, how to report sexual assault, harassment and human trafficking.   

One of the best ways to connect them to services like career development advice, housing and drug addiction counseling is to make sure they have one of these toiletry kits so that they keep coming back to the shelter to shower. More than 2/3 of the women on Skid Row are victims of sexual assault, many are struggling with addiction and their numbers are growing. Places like the Anne Douglas Center for Women at the Los Angeles Mission can help change that. Our goal is to make 70 kits to hand out at the next Ladies Night. So please donate or bring to my class (new, unused) travel-sized goods. Thank you for your help!